Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson would be proud

I learned of Nelson Mandela's passing while I walked the picket line today.

How fitting.

Truly one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen, he spent years in prison because he would not stop speaking out for justice, and eventually, he would serve as presidnet of the same country that imprisoned him.

Was he ever scared? I'm sure he was.
Did he ever doubt he would be successful in the end? I would imagine he did.

But his integrity would not let him retreat from his beliefs or his mission, and the support of those who believed as he did sustained him.

A picket line is certainly not a prison, but it can be a place of doubt, anxiety and fear.

Today, our brothers from the Building Trades showed us that they are part of our support.
They showed up, set up, cooked up, and served up.
Lunch, that is.

In doing so, they fed not only our stomachs, they fed our souls.
Thanks brothers, you're the best!
Nelson would be proud.

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