Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas

To be honest, the last four weeks have been exhausting.

Work was busier than usual, what with nearby L+M Hospital's illegal Lock Out of the nurses and techs, I've spent extra time working in a support role to see those nurses and techs get the respect they deserve, and that's taken time.

The nurses and techs became more united with each passing day and now are back at work, a great Christmas present for everyone.

My members stepped up and grew as unionists by walking the line and donating support money.  I'm proud of them and thankful.  Another Christmas present.

My wife, Michelle, and family supported the extra time I spent in New London and I think saw the reason for my passion in the faces of the nurses, techs, significant others, and children.
Still, I know the time is a sacrifice I can never repay Michelle, yet she puts up with me and supports me just the same.
Another Christmas present.

Christmas always seems to come too quick, I never seem ready, this year maybe less ready than usual.

But as I sit here and reflect on the love I have seen this past month, the "goodwill toward men", directed to the nurses, techs and families, as I reflect on the feeling that we make a difference, as I think of how lucky I am to have found Michelle all those years ago,

Maybe I am ready for Christmas.

May God bless you all.  May you have the best Christmas ever.  May Santa be good to you.

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