Sunday, April 5, 2020

Corona Virus Update 4/5

I had a conversation today with Ann-Marie from Manchester and Martha from the VNA. We are scheduled to do a press conference with Senator BlumenthalI this week on how the pandemic is effecting healthcare workers. These are 2 nurses who work in different healthcare systems, one as an ER nurse and one as a VNA nurse. Their experiences with this pandemic are very much different, and yet very much the same.

We continue to have problems with inconsistent and changing policies on PPE, transfers, paid time off, and frontline workers not having a voice in policy formation, as well as a lack of a will of some management to engage in discussion on contract extension and MOUs.

Today makes 30 days since the first confirmed case of Covid-19 in Connecticut. 
5,875 confirmed cases, up 399 from yesterday 
1,142 currently hospitalized, up 109
189 dead, up 24
23,270 tested, up 1,241

Dale sends this report from L&M:

Last reported at L& M 6 positive patients on Resp Unit and 2 r/o Covid, 2 positive in ICU vented 
we have 5 employees with Coronavirus at L&M. 
Our latest challenge is Yale is seeking volunteers to go to work at Greenwich Hospital without coming to the Union to bargain conditions of work and change in conditions of work. The VP HR says its covered in the contract. We have meeting at 10am with Terry to discuss action.
Our 4 Union coalition has formed subcommittee to communicate to local legislators 
we have 5 employees with Coronavirus at L&M. 
PPE is still a challenge with rationing and employees with only 1 mask to use and supplies depleting on disinfecting wipes. To where there is guidance to take 1 wipe and put it in a baggie for reruse. 

Info on an AFT Town Hall:

I am so grateful. We know how important connection is when we are physically distant, so the AFT has decided to hold our big member telephone town halls every Tuesday for the foreseeable future.
These calls give rank-and-file members a chance to hear about the work we’re doing nationally to help fight this pandemic. By having them every week, we will be able to give our members the most recent information we have, including the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People will also get exclusive updates—like the one Sen. Chuck Schumer gave us last week— and hear directly from me about the AFT’s national efforts to protect our members and our communities and to save the economy. We will also provide tips for helping kids with lessons. Every call will include time for questions.
I’m excited to announce that our telephone town hall next Tuesday will feature Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. surgeon general. All of our members are welcome to join; Dr. Adams will be taking questions from our healthcare members about the COVID-19 pandemic.
The telephone town hall will be on Tuesday, April 7, at 7 p.m. EDT. We want to make sure you and your members have a chance to sign up for this call, and for all the other calls. If you would like to register, you can do so by clicking here.
I also want to ask you to share this link with your members. Many AFT members are looking for information and comfort at this time. I want to make sure they see the work we’re doing and know the value of our union.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten

I was on Fox 61 today talking about the challenges our members are facing. 

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