Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona Virus Update 4/4

We are 29 days since our first case of Covid-19 in Connecticut.
5,276 confirmed positive, up 362 from yesterday
1033 currently hospitalized, up 124
165 dead, up 33
22,029 tested, up 2014 

I got this report from the field, not from a nurse with a bleeding heart soul, but from a hardened union professional:

“It was really sad speaking to Janelle today.  She was scared for her job when directed to go into  the patient room without the PPE she requested.  She said she had 30 seconds to make a decision to walk out the hospital or obey the directive.  Our members should not have to chose their job over their well-being.  The hospital knows, or at least should know that sending people into patient rooms to treat COVID-19 cases is dangerous and every precaution should be taken.  It is reckless and irresponsible if not criminally negligent to force members into situations like this knowing all that we know about the disease.”

Janelle was told she couldn’t use an N95 while she tended to a Covid positive patient. 2 days later she was home sick with Covid-19, confirmed by test.
I called to check on her, she sounded awful.
She had the N95 in her hand.
She was told to put it back.

Please pray for the Healthcare Worker’s well being and be safe,

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