Thursday, April 16, 2020

Corona Virus Update 4/16

My sisters and brothers,
I think I am in my 5th week of working from home. Until shortly before that date, I would have never imagined this turn of events. Covid-19 has changed our lives.
But it has really changed the lives of those who cannot work at home.
It has changed the lives of those who are unemployed and waiting on their first check.
It has changed the lives of those who are “essential” employees who deal with the public in their work of providing food and essential goods and services.

And it has changed the lives of those on the front lines of healthcare.
I worry about all of us and I don’t seek to diminish it’s effect on anyone, but having worked at the bedside, I identify with the struggle of those who are now there.

Yes, they are heroes.
But they do not seek to be heroes.
They would give up all the accolades for proper PPE and the ability to return home from a shift without the fear of having contracted this virus and/or tracked it home to their families.
We found out today that one of our members who is 9 months pregnant has tested positive. She is a nurse and had possible exposure
We also found out that an employee of Hartford Hospital died of Covid-19.
My heart goes out to all of you.

We are 41 days since our first confirmed Covid positive case in Connecticut.
53,122 have been tested
15,884 have tested positive
1926 are currently hospitalized, up 18 from yesterday
971 have died
Last night I had a long talk with a deputy commissioner of DPH. I thank her for calling sometime after 8:00 pm at the end of a long day. We discussed many issues and came to agreement on some we can work on together. This, along with the Governor’s office discussions, are the reason I have been asking our local leaders for information. Thank you to those who a=have responded. Every bit of information helps.

Please give me as much info as you can about what the different hospital systems are doing as far as Workers Comp on these points:
1. Are members being put on Paid Administrative Leave if they are Covid positive/out sick?
2. Are member’s medical bills being covered by the hospital?
3. Are members having problems with the healthcare systems trying to say an illness was not acquired at work?
I need to get these answers to the Governor’s office ASAP. Thank you to those who have responded.
Various Locals are working on some of these issues. They are doing so in a variety of ways. They are holding Local Town Hall meetings, having meetings with area legislators, filing OSHA complaints, grievances, and letters of demands.

On the State level with are having meetings with DPH and Governor’s office, and also partaking in similar meetings held by the AFL-CIO and SEBAC. (State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition) we are also in regular contact with our U S Reps and Senators.

On the national level we are coordinating with AFT affiliates across the country on campaigns.

But mostly, it is about the fight on the shop floor. Nothing is as powerful as when a member is educated and empowered and stands up for themselves. It takes courage. It takes the knowledge that others have your back.

Some issues we are all working on:
Sufficient quantity, an inventory of what each hospital has, access to it (it doesn’t help if it’s locked in the bosses office)
 Presumptive Workers Comp issue:
If you get sick at work, your lost time should be covered and your medical bills paid.
 Respect for Contracts/MOU
You shouldn’t have to worry about negotiating a contract that is running out and you shouldn’t have a current contract violated becasue of the “emergency.”
Covid positive members:
HCW should get testing and prober treatment and without lose of pay or out of pocket cost, and their families should too.
.Staffing issue:
Staffing is becoming an issue. While the “ratios” may not changed, it takes longer to care for Covid patient s than non-Covid patients.
Some school nurses, and nurses and other HCW are out of work or having shifts cancelled because of school closures decreased volume at hospitals (other than Covid patients)
Is this any way to treat our “heroes?” 
NO Retaliation:
If you speak out to protect yourself or others, or is you refuse an unsafe assignment, there should be no retaliation.

There are other issues, but this gives you an idea of some of them.

I’ll close by saying thank you once again. All of you, in your own ways, are fighting this fight. I know it’s tiring.
I also know how strong you are.
We have to continue to push back, to fight for ur safety and our rights.
What other choice do we have?

Be safe,

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