Sunday, June 19, 2016


My dad went home to heaven way too young, but as Dion once sang "the good, they die young."
He taught me much and among this was that family is important, that we should defend those who need our help, and that we should share with those who are less fortunate.
His dad had been deep into Rhode Island politics, serving as State Senate President, and my dad, although he stayed informed and voted in every election, avoided public office.
He did however, serve in the most unselfish way.
When Hawaii was attacked, he joined his brothers in serving his country, becoming a U.S. Marine.
He never spoke much about the war, but through pictures and my mom, we learned he was severely burned in an amphibious landing on a South Pacific beach.
His buddies saved his life by pulling him to safety and he spent a full year in the care of the medical personnel in San Diego, nearly passing several times.
Years after meeting my wife, she shared that the first time she had met my dad, she was taken aback by the scars on his face from the skin grafts.
I had never noticed them.
Although he passed at age 60 from a heart attack, I take comfort that he was active till the end.
I miss him, I wish he were here to share the events in my life.I wish he had seen me become a nurse, like those who cared for him in San Diego.  I wish he had seen me stand up for myself and others through my union involvement.
But  he lives on in myself and my siblings and in our children.
Anyone who knows my siblings, knows that the lessons dad taught us, the lessons he lived by, are a part of us.
Love you dad.

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