Sunday, March 30, 2014

Our voice

Lately is been all about having a place at the table.

Backus Nurses are finding their voice, and that's what it's all about.

We're serving on the hospital staffing committee and attending redesign meetings, and we're having an influence.
We're testifying before the Connecticut Public Health Committee on safe staffing legislation and regulations for community hospitals selling to for profit companies.
We're attending meetings with Senator Murphy, Congressman Courtney, and Governor Malloy, and they respect our members and our positions.
We're serving on the state AFT Healthcare Council and Executive Council, the AFL-CIO Labor Council, the Department of Public Health advisory board, and the national AFT Small Unions Task Force.
We're working with community groups like the United Way.
We're marching with our L+M brothers and sisters,
and winning.
We're meeting with the hospital's vice presidents of HR and patient care services to find ways to work in collaboration where we can.

It's happening because multiple members are stepping forward, each doing what they can, and because we have proved we are an organization committed to having a voice for ourselves, our patients, and our families.

Three years ago, we invited  Judy Benson from The Day newspaper to our office and we went public with our intentions to unionize. I remember her asking why we were doing it, and what we said that night is as true as ever,
A nurse, and for that matter, any health care worker, cannot advocate for their patients, without a voice.

We have that voice.

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