Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Corona Virus Update 6/17

The numbers in Connecticut continue to look better and the numbers in some other states continue to look worse. 
We are 101 days since our first confirmed case in Connecticut, 27 days into reopening and today we started phase 2 reopening. 
Hospitalizations are down to 186 statewide 
9 deaths in the past 24 hours
80 of 6,430 new tests were positive (a low %)

That being said, below you can see how we compare to other states as far as declining or increasing cases

Tracking by Johns Hopkins shows on 6-16 at 8:00 p.m. EST worldwide 8,144,842 confirmed cases; 440,342 deaths worldwide; 116,854 U.S. deaths (26%).  The website tracks the highest and lowest COVID-19 reproduction rates, measuring the average number of people who become sick from an infectious person.  A value less than one shows the spread of the disease to be slowing, greater than one increasing.  States with fastest spread of COVID-19 are Arizona 1.18; Alaska 1.14; Montana 1.12; Arkansas 1.09; Mississippi 1.09; Oklahoma 1.06; South Carolina 1.06; and Washington 1.05.  States with the slowest spread of COVID-19 were New Jersey 0.79; New York 0.80; Delaware 0.82; Connecticut 0.83; Michigan 0.83; Minnesota 0.84; Hawaii 0.85; and Illinois 0.86

I want to thank our Healthcare Locals in SE CT for their weekly round tables with area legislators and for including me on these zoom calls. It gives us all a chance to hear from the people with boots on the ground on how things are going. I encourage other Locals to consider this approach. 

Be well,

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