Saturday, February 23, 2019

Workplace Safety

I was at the state capital on Thursday for a press conference with Congressmen Joe Courtney and John Larson. Congressman Courtney introduced HR 1309, which authorizes OHSA to develop a Standard (regulations) to protect Healthcare and Social Workers from workplace violence. 
I was back yesterday to listen to testimony in a public hearing on a proposed Connecticut bill to protect teachers from violence in the classroom. (thank you AFT Connecticut Jan Hochadel, Mary Yordon and David Hayes for your testimony)
Two different, yet related, issues and a reminder to me how how different and yet similar, healthcare and education are. 
The problems are complex but the bottom line is that workers should not be victims. 
Our teachers, PSRPs,  Healthcare Professionals, and Public Servants are dedicated professionals who deserves our support, and the resources, to perform their vital work safely. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Congress must act

The framers of our constitution designed a system of 3 branches of government for a reason.  They knew from experience that an uncontrolled executive branch was the same as a dictatorship.
The Enabling Act of 1933 gave then Chancellor Hitler the constitutional right to exercise dictatorial power without legal objection.
Trumps declaration of a “National Emergency” is an attempt to circumvent the will of Congress. Trump’s stacking of the courts is an attempt to get rubber stamping on anything he attempts.
This is a clear attempt to undermine our system of government, a goal long sought by dictatorships across the globe.

The only “emergency” is the one to our democracy.

Congress must act to reverse this proclamation and they must do so now.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Simon answered the call

Simon was a fisherman.
One morning after a long, unsuccessful night of fishing, he and his crew returned to shore.
On shore waited an itinerate preacher, who asked to use his boat as a platform from which to preach to the crowd that had gathered to hear him.
After preaching, he asked Simon to put out to deeper waters and cast his nets once more.
Although Simon explained that they had fished all night without results, he did as instructed and his nets were filled to the point of breaking with fish.
Simon recognized this preacher was no ordinary man.
This preacher recognized that Simon was no ordinary man.
The itinerate preacher had plans for Simon.

He asked Simon, and some of the others, among them James and John, to follow him.
He said he would make them Fishers of Men.
He called Simon “Peter” which means Rock and said that upon this Rock I shall build my church.
This church was not a church of brick and mortar.
It was a spiritual church built on the idea that we are ALL children of a Higher Power, no matter our religion, our color, our gender, our country of origin, our immigration status, or our sexual orientation.
It was a church that believed that we are all capable of mistakes……..
And forgiveness.

Simon Peter answered that call.
He would eventually give his life for that call.

How many times have we been called?
How many times have we answered, “I am but a fisherman?”

When asked to speak for those who have less of a voice than us, are we afraid to step forward because we are flawed?
When asked to speak out against those in power, are we afraid that we are not the spokesperson needed for the task?
Simon felt this way.

Please answer the call.