Sunday, August 23, 2015

School days

I have posted back to school blogs for the past several years for a very simple reason.
I have an incredible amount of respect for teachers and all who work in education and I want them to know how I and many others feel.

The right wing speaks ill of teachers every chance they can, even stating that teachers as a group should be punched in the face!

Are you kidding me?

Teachers across this country dedicate their lives to one thing, the education and well being of their students.  Paraprofessionals and other school personnel do the same.  
For someone who has never stood before a classroom to criticize is insane. 

So I have been posting back to school best wishes as a Registered Nurse who highly respects educators, as president of a healthcare local and as a brother in the American Federation of Teachers. I want to thank you for opening your union to healthcare and public sector workers. You have helped us find our voice.

It is common for officers of Locals to refer to the members as "my members."
The nurses of Backus Hospital were "my members" when I served as their president.
This July I was asked at an AFT healthcare conference if I was "the healthcare VP of Connecticut," to which I responded that no, I was the VP of all "my members."
So this year I have the honor of writing this back to school message as an officer of a state federation writing to all "my members."
I am proud to say I represent you because I am proud of the dedication you have, day in and day out, in sometimes unbelievably trying situations.
I wish you a safe and successful school year.
Thank you for everything you do.

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