Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lessons of Easter

To the Christian world, Easter is a big day.

But to me, it’s not the fact that Jesus rose from the dead that is so amazing.
It’s how he lived his life and what he taught by his words and example.

Born homeless, to an unwed mother, forced into exile for his own safety while still an infant, persecuted and killed for his beliefs, and still he said, “forgive them father, they know not what they do.”

He knew what it was to be poor.
He knew what it was to be an immigrant.
He knew what it was to be beaten.
He knew what it was to be persecuted for his beliefs.
He knew what it was to be “us.”

He chose to be friends with the outcasts of his society, and was criticized for it.
He did not judge, he forgave and led by example.

To some, his rising on Easter is proof that he is God, and man.
To me, it is a day to celebrate the Movement.

The Movement that chooses love over hate,
Justice over privilege,
A voice for all over a voice for a few,
And truly believes that our neighbor is the foreigner we meet on the side of the road,
And that we are all sisters and brothers.

His teachings and example are the teachings and example for the Movement.
They are the teachings of Gandhi, King, Chavez, and so many more.
Christians believe that he was God, made man and that our duty is to follow the example he gave and the lessons he taught.
We must ask ourselves two things.

If he was God, why did he choose to live a life as he did, in poverty, befriending those on the margins of society, teaching love, forgiveness, and acceptance?
Are we following him?

He rose on Easter.
He lives on in us.

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