Monday, October 14, 2013

Living United

It is not every day that Backus CEO Dave Whitehead and I agree, but when it comes to the United Way, we do.  
Local 5149 has held several food drives to support the Gemma E Moran United Way/Labor Food Center.  
Today Dave and I released a joint statement supporting the United Way annual drive.
The United Way helps countless people in their time of need. Organized Labor, Management, and the community all play a large role in it's support.
Please join me in helping our neighbors.

Please read the joint statement below from Backus President and Chief Executive Officer Dave Whitehead and Union President John Brady, RN, encouraging participation in the 2013 United Way campaign.

Improving the health and quality of life of our community takes more than just one hospital or social service agency. That is why Backus leadership and the Backus Federation of Nurses jointly endorse the annual United Way campaign, and we highly encourage all Backus employees to participate at the level that they are able.

United Way believes in advancing the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. That makes United Way a partner in the Backus mission — improving our region’s health. Together with United Way, we can create better community wellness, help children thrive, meet basic human needs and promote independence.

Please support the 2013 campaign by filling out a pledge form and returning it to Mary Brown in Volunteer and Guest Services. If you need a form you can get one by stopping by the volunteer office or emailing her

Again, thank you for helping make southeastern Connecticut a better – and healthier – place. Your generosity is crucial to making this year’s United Way campaign a success.

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