Friday, October 11, 2013

All politics is local

Tip O'Neil coined the phase "All politics is local."
It means a politician's success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents. Politicians must appeal to the everyday concerns of those who elect them into office. 

It's important to remember this principle in this age when it seams a small group of people with a large amount of money, can so influence our politicians, that they go against what they know to be best for their constituents and the country and shut down the government.

Politicians are so worried about being challenged within their own political party, in a primary, that they fear doing what they know is right.

However, we should not despair.  These small groups may have all the money, but we, the people, have all the votes. 
Most elections are determined by the smallest of margins.  Voter apathy is understandable, but it is our downfall.
If more like minded people registered and voted, entire elections could be swung.  

Consider this.
In 2006 Joe Courtney defeated Rob Simmons for Connecticut's 2nd district congressional race by 94 votes.
94 votes.
There are 715,000 residents and 433,699 registered voters in the district.
242,360 people voted.
Had Simmons registered another 95 supporters, or had another 95 Simmons registered supporters voted, the outcome would have reversed.
Town and city races are determined on even less votes.

Our goal then, must be to increase the number of registered voters and convince them that not only does their vote matter, it is the only thing standing between democracy and our country being totally control by the very few and the very rich.

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