Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Love of Money...

Last night I attended the Gala at Mohegan Sun to benefit the new L+M Cancer Center that will open this fall.  I was there at the invitation of Harry Rodriguez, President of the L + M Health Care Workers and my good friend.
It was a opportunity to spend some social time with Harry, Lisa, and Stephanie, the three L+M presidents and some of their leadership and members, as well as our state federation president, Melodie, and our field rep Greg and our significant others.  They have all become my friends and mentors and have been instrumental in our development as a local.
It was also an opportunity for my wife and I to dress up, enjoy wonderful food, music and dancing.
It was a black tie event and I'm sure a large amount of money was raised for a great cause.
It's odd to travel outside your normal circle.  Bids on the auction were going in $100 increases.  A round of golf went for $2,000!  Now I'm sure nobody pushed off their mortgage payment to place a bid, but still, I have to admit, their was generosity.

I have a problem with money.
I believe the income gap is too large, that our elderly should not have to choose between food or medicine, and I know some people make lots of money at the expense of others or by questionable business practices.
But for me to think that all affluent people are that way is unfair, is a form of prejudice on my part, isn't it?
A funny thing happened on the way home.  We stopped at a McDonalds for a restroom break and as I sat in the car another car pulled up to me.  A young man motioned and I rolled down the window expecting him to ask directions.  Instead, he asked for gas money, saying he just got out of work, showing me his ID badge, and saying he misplaced his debit card, was low on gas and needed a gallon to get home.  My first thought was to wonder what the money was really for. I gave him a five and he thanked me and drove off.  I have no way of knowing if I did the right thing or not.
Some of the people giving at the Gala are good people giving to what they hope is a good cause, hoping that their donation will help cancer patients, but hospitals use donations for all sorts of things, don't they.

They whole night has me thinking.
Do I hold a prejudice against the privileged?
Did that young man appear as a lesson to me?
I'm told that one of the most often misquoted lines is that "Money is the route of all evil", when it is really, "The love of money is the route of all evil."
Lots to consider.

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