Friday, December 9, 2011

A call for laborers

A man named Matthew wrote, "At the site of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity. They were lying prostate from exhaustion, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples : "the harvest is good but the laborers are scarce. Beg the harvest master to send out laborers to gather his harvest. "
We are the laborers.
There is much to do.
Many in this world suffer; from poverty, sickness, depression, addiction, spiritual emptiness.
There is no shortage of work for the laborers.
We all have a calling, it may take some time to find it, but if we continue to search, we will find it. It is our way of leaving the world better than we found it.
When we find our calling, we know. The urge to follow it is overwhelming. It is a "calling" because the harvest master calls out to us. Whatever it is, we are to perform it with love and respect for each other. There is dignity in all labor performed in this way.
The harvest master is known by many names, by all religions and all spiritual paths. He does not belong to any one and yet he belongs to all. He is love at it's purest.
And the best part?
He desires closeness to us -
His laborers!

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