Sunday, November 22, 2020

Corona Virus update, 11/22

 Hospitalizations in Connecticut increased this week from 659 to 848. Projections are that it will reach 1,700 in late December or early January, before decreasing. (It reached 1,972 in the spring)
4,828 Connecticut residents have passed from Covid.
We have learned more about the virus and how to treat it and that will help to keep numbers lower than otherwise, but our healthcare workers, our teachers and paraprofessionals, and all our essential workers are tired, and that’s not good.
I spoke to one of our Registered Nurse Local presidents this week at the end of one of her shifts.  She said she knows 5 nurses who have resigned in the last 3 weeks and she knows nurses are afraid to come in for their scheduled shifts because they have a good chance of being “mandated” to stay late due to shortages. There is also growing concern on national calls about the long term affects on the number of people entering the healthcare and education professions.
We can help.
Wear a mask, socially distance the best you can, wash your hands.
I does make a difference.

Sweden tried it the other way.
In the spring, Sweden kept everything open and discouraged masks, hoping for heard immunity.
Their neighbors closed down. 
Finland had 375 deaths, Norway 305, Denmark 778.
Sweden had over 6,000, and are now in a bad second wave and are closing down.
Heard immunity did not develop. 

I have an request from our members of Rockville General Hospital. They are trying to maintain services at this small community hospital which is now part of a for profit chain. Would you sign their petition? They would appreciate it.
Be well.

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