Sunday, November 15, 2020

Corona Virus update 11/15

On March 8, The first case of Covid in Connecticut was announced.
On April 22, 1,972 Connecticut residents where in the hospital. 121 died that day.
On June 29, 98 people where hospitalized
On August 17, 42 people.
On September 21, 68.
On November 5, that number was 380.
On, November 13, it was 659. 

As we move indoors and as we have opened up schools and businesses, we have created a situation where Covid can more easily spread. Our closeness to each other and our containment of any virus in an enclosed area as opposed to the great outdoors, increases the ability of transmission between people.

Thankfully, we are not in the same situation as much of the country, where spread of the virus is faster and more widespread than at any time. But still, as our daily numbers increase, contract tracing becomes more difficult, hospitals and staff become more crowed and fatigued. 

We have learned much, in treatment and prevention. If we use that knowledge, we MAY be able to prevent numbers like we saw in April in Connecticut. 
But we must use that knowledge.
Wear a mask. 
Socially distance as best as possible.
Wash your hands often.
Get a flu shot.

We all hope a vaccine is on the horizon, latest news is encouraging.
Until then, we are all in this together, lets help each other as best we can.

Friday’s numbers:
43,078 tested.
2,746 positive. (6.37%) (In the summer this was lower than 1%)
659 hospitalized, up 42 that day, 279 that week.
4,737 CT residents have died, 11 on Friday, almost a quarter of a million in the US, 1.3 million worldwide.

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