Sunday, March 8, 2020

Hearts understand in a way minds cannot

Sean Patrick Brady was taken from us too soon.
And we miss him dearly……

Dylan Thomas wrote, “Do not go gentle into that good night.”
Like all of us, Sean had his demons, and he never gave up the struggle against them, but in the end, they won. 
Now he is at peace. He need struggle no more.

The outpouring of love from those who knew Sean and his family has been incredible and we are grateful. We thank all of you who sent cards, flowers and plants, and food, visited us, called, texted, and FB messaged, and those who made donations to the local food pantry. These outpourings of love have come from all across the country and even from Europe. They have come from schoolmates, recovery friends, coworkers, people who know us from sports or school events, from church, from Labor, from politics, and beyond.
We continue to receive these gifts of love and we realize that all those who know Sean and his extended family, share our grief, because family is family, whether by genetics or love.
We share our love and support with you, because you have also experienced a loss.

As people have greeted and hugged us they often express that they don’t know what to say.
I have been telling them that it’s not what you say, it’s that you care.

I’d like to share with the passage from Lois Wilson, one of the co-founders of Al- Anon.
I read it at Sean’s Mass. It speaks to our difficulty in understanding the “why” of when someone leaves us too early.  I find comfort in it and I hope you can also.

Gazing at the sky on a bright starlit night, we are overwhelmed with wonder at the seemingly limitless universe. 
Our finite minds cannot envision its extent and complexity, much less the possibility of other universes beyond. 
Likewise our finite minds sometimes question why a loving God seems to permit apparently God-loving and virtuous people to suffer the tragedies that occasionally befall them.
But our hearts do not need logic. 
They can love and forgive and accept that which our minds cannot comprehend. 
Hearts understand in a way minds cannot.

With love……

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