Sunday, March 15, 2020

Healthcare workers on the frontline of the NOVID-19 pandemic

Nurses and other healthcare professionals are mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.
They are scientists and mathematicians.
They are caregivers.
They are not soldiers (although some of them serve)

Right now, they are on the front lines of a pandemic.
The Corona Virus is spreading across the world and they are being asked to stand in front of it and stop it.
Our health depends on their success.

At the same time, many of them are being asked to fight this battle without the proper equipment.
They are frustrated, they are tired.
And they deserve our support.

Every healthcare worker caring for a CORVID-19 positive patient, or suspected positive patient, should have proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), including:
Face shield
N95 respirator or PAPU respirator
And PPE should be disposed of or properly sterilized if possible between each patient.

Additionally, while they are caring for us, we should care for them and their families.
If any are placed into isolation, due to possible exposure, and need to stay home; or worse, if any of them become ill, their pay should continue so that their families can continue to have food and rent.

Some healthcare facilities are stepping up and doing the right thing.
Others are not, telling our healthcare hero’s that they can reuse PPE, they can wipe down N95s, (which are sophisticated masks which block most airborne viruses), and that they can use their own vacation time to cover lost time from illness or quarantine.

This is not acceptable.
It will harm our healthcare workers and increase the spread of the Corona Virus.

Please talk to your elected officials on the town, state and federal level.
Please talk to hospital board members (and the CEOs who make millions but never have to think about entering a patient room).
Please spread the word that nurses, doctors, and all healthcare professionals deserve our thanks, our praise and everything they need to fight this pandemic.

As usual, they are doing their part.
Let’s do ours and have their back.

I know my sisters and brothers on the frontline are grateful for your support.

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