Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Road Ahead

The 71st annual AFT Connecticut Business Convention was held yesterday.
I submitted my written report as Executive VP and it’s in the packet, but let me share some thoughts behind the report.

Every day brings new challenges, not just to our union, but to all unions and the entire social justice movement.
This is nothing new, it has been going on for ages.
At the heart of it is a fundamental difference in how we see our roles as humans inhabiting this small, fragile planet.
Some believe in the old adage, “from each according to their means, to each according to their needs,” and some do not.
Because of this, there are powerful people who wish to remain so. They are willing to use their resources to retain this power.
They are willing to fund lawsuits and legislative campaigns and politicians who will fight to end collective bargaining, the right to organize, pay equity, equality, and economic and social justice, because without a voice, those who are marginalized have no hope.

These are the challenges we face every day.
But we face them together.

A special thank you to our AFT CT members, my fellow officers, and many from around the country for the support you have shown us this year.
Jan expressed the same sentiment in her remarks to the convention when she spoke of her battle this year with cancer.  She spoke of how the support has helped her.
Randi spoke of the inspiration that Jan has been because of the way she has fought both cancer, and the powers who challenge us daily.
I agree completely with both of them.
Jan is an inspiration to us all, and that inspiration is possible because of the strength that flows from our members.

At our convention we honored some of our members who gave of their time and treasure to help AFT sisters and brothers in need this past year in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida, and Alaska.  They did so because they understand the “U and I in Union,” as our current campaign states.
They, like our other members, understand that we are stronger together.
They understand that we have a responsibility to help a sister and brothers in need.
They understand that this solidarity is what it means to be in a union and in the social justice movement.

Like the support that Jan spoke of, these fundamental beliefs are what we are all about.
They are the reason that, despite Supreme Court cases, despite horrible attempts at “right to work for less” laws, despite powerful interest aligned against us, we will carry on.

Because we are sisters and brothers.
And sisters and brothers take care of each other.

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