Saturday, May 27, 2017

Thank you Connecticut State Employees

It's a typical morning in Connecticut.
As the sun peaks over the hills to the east, and sleepy New England town squares come alive, a nurse begins her shift, checking the IV fluids and receiving report from the evening nurse. Across town a teacher enters his classroom, flipping the switches to power the equipment in his shop class, checking all the safety devises that will keep his students safe. Downtown a social worker enters her courthouse, her mind on the young man she will try to get to drug treatment and his family she will help.

The nurse, teacher, and social worker all have something in common.
They are all State of Connecticut employees.
In fact, the are all AFT Connecticut members.

As a caring society, we have determined that there are certain services we should offer to all residents. This is rooted in our Judeo/Christian/Muslin beliefs.
Among them are safe roads and bridges, fire and police protection, education of our youth, care for our sick, and a judicial system based on a chance for a fair trial and rehabilitation.
Dedicated Public Employees provide these services.

I get upset when so called "think tanks" like The Yankee Institute spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to convince Connecticut's middle class taxpayers and small business owners that State Employees are "the problem."
These "think tanks" are funded by people who control large corporations and could not care in the least about middle class tax payers or small business owners.
They care about one thing.
Having power and keeping it.

It's time we woke up and recognized State Employees for what they are. Our neighbors, people like ourselves, who provide the services WE have determined we as a caring society that WE should provide.
I've never been a Public Employee but I've often benefited from their dedicate service.
Thank you.  

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