Saturday, January 11, 2014

Small Local Unions Task Force says "I am L+M!"

Rod Sherman, the chairman of the AFT Small Local Unions Task Force, started today's meeting by asking me to give an L+M update.
"I was in a meeting when I got your email. I clicked a link, pull led out my credit card, and was able to donate."
He, like others was vested now. He, like others, was saying "I am L+M!"

I reminded them that my small Local would not exist without the support of the L+ M and other AFT Connecticut Locals. 
Sitting to my left was Erin Benham, who with her Meriden Federation of Teacher members, walked the line in New London.

I reminded them of the issue that led to the strike, the illegal moving of work out of the hospital and denial of union representation.
I went through the timeline of the 4 day ULP strike, the illegal 3 week lockout, the return to work and the continued work for a contract.
I told them how the other unions, the political community, the AFT Locals, and the southeastern Connecticut community, all came together.
I told them how AFT Connecticut and AFT national sent staff to New London, and how Randi Weingartin came in support.
I told them how touching it was to the L+M workers to have this support, especially, the financial  support from around the country.
Rod shared his thoughts of how "this" is what this task force is all about, finding ways to help small locals.

We are a diverse union, spread far and wide, and we face many challenges. But we have the ability to come together in solidarity and when we do, nothing can stop us.

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