Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Union Rally

This past week has been both busy and productive.

Negotiations last Tuesday ran until 2:30 am.  Finally, we have some movement and I am encouraged by that.  I believe it's a result of the pressure we have applied and the support we have received from the community in general and the labor community in particular.  I want to thank everyone for all they have done.

We are down to the nitty gritty.  We have the definition of per diem, pension and 403 (b), insurance, and wages and wage system left to negotiate.  We hope to be able to finish these up in the 4 sessions we have left, and we are willing to go all night on these sessions if that will help.

On Thursday, the National Labor Relations Board issued a complaint against the hospital on the denial of our wages and bonus, the trial will be May 14th. The NLRB gave management a chance to settle this without a trial but management refused.

Today we informed management that we intend to hold a rally outside the hospital on March 19, at 4:30 pm.  This is a critical time in our negotiations, a time when we need the community's support the most. The rally will be with participation of the entire southeastern Connecticut  public and labor community to build support and pressure management to ensure a fair contract.

I urge all nurses to be at negotiations on the March 13, 15, 27, and 29. 
I urge all nurses, families and supporters to attend our rally and show management that we will not tolerate their continued violation of our rights and that we stand in solidarity to ensure a just and fair contract.

Please RSVP for the rally @ Backus Rally.

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