Monday, August 5, 2019

Prayers and candles.

Thoughts and prayers are important.
But without action they are hypocritical.

50 years ago we put a man on the moon and returned him safely because a young man from Massachusetts set that as our goal.
It didn’t mater that the engineering and the science didn’t exist to make it so.
It didn’t matter that computers at the time were not much more than simple calculators.
It didn’t matter that cell phones didn’t exist, let alone smart phones.
It didn’t matter the internet didn’t exist.
No one questioned our ability to figure this out.
No one questioned our ability to fund this unprecedented endeavor.

I understand Senator Warren’s frustration. I too don’t understand why someone would put all the work into running for president only to say what we can’t do.

The truth is……
There are things we MUST do.

I believe we can protect the rights of hunters and gun enthusiasts AND protect our children from mass shootings and drive by killings
I believe we can protect ourselves from terrorists AND welcome immigrants with love.
I believe we can provide affordable, high quality healthcare to everyone.
I believe we can have quality, fully funded public education that doesn’t saddle young people with unreasonable debt.
I believe we can become better stewards of this planet.
I believe we can promote freedom around the world without sending our children off to endless wars.
I believe that people of all colors, races, religions, and sexual orientation and identity can live together in love.

But we must have the resolve to work towards these goals.
We must commit ourselves to the tasks.
Senator Sanders is correct.
When we become involved we can change the world.

So pray and light candles and mourn.
But after that….
Go to rallies.
Write and call your representatives.
Register AND vote.
Knock on doors.
Run for office.
Join a union or other social advocacy group.

Become involved.

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