Sunday, April 7, 2019

Member Activists are our heart and soul

Sometimes the work of the VP of a state federation involves arranging repairs on the building, authorizing expenditures, signing checks, doing prep work or follow up work for meetings. It’s all important work and without it, even the greatest ideas in the world would remain that, great ideas.

But what I really like is being with activists.

This week I attended the delegate meeting of the Backus Nurses, my home local. It was very satisfying to see the degree of activism in the group. What started as a “hope” 7 years ago has become an organization of nurses who own their voice…..and have learned how to use it.
I applaud every one of them and I am extremely grateful for the presidents who followed me, Michelle and Sherri. Each has imprinted their strength and personality on the local.

Jan, Ed and I spent Friday with our sisters and brothers of AFSCME Council 4. Thank you Jody for the invitation. We are close to many of the other Connecticut Unions, perhaps none more than Council 4. Their members, like our members, do the work that keeps this state running, and helps people in need.

The week finished on Saturday with regional legislative breakfast in Niantic and lunch in Coventry.
If you’ve never attended, you should.
Members who attended get to sit with coworkers and talk with their local state senators and representatives. Members who come once usually return.  It’s good for the legislators to hear the stories behind the concerns of our members and to see our faces.
In makes a difference.
For leadership, it’s also a chance to listen to our members. It keeps us grounded.
Melanie and Glenn from our  Manchester Hospital Healthcare Local attended in Coventry. It was their first time. Melanie  asked me if the legislators really listed.
I believe they do. Even the ones who vote against us sometimes, I think they listen. I have also seen them modify their positions and/or come to understand our issues better after listening and looking into the eyes of our members.
It was great to spend some time relaxing afterward with Melanie, Glenn and the other members who stuck around for a while.

Just as I am proud of where my home local has come in 7 years, I am equally proud of where our state fed and the labor movement is heading.
In spite off the efforts of those who don’t believe workers should have a voice, more and more members are becoming engaged.
Our convention committee for our May AFT Connecticut Convention understood this when they selected the convention theme.
Still Here and Still Growing.

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