Sunday, January 6, 2019

AFT Connecticut in 2018

This week I would like to share a New Years message from AFT Connecticut’s President, looking back on the of our members in 2018.
A fuller version with pictures and links is available at

As we begin a new year, questions remain about the direction for Connecticut and the country. What is not in question is the direction of our union and our labor movement. That's because the "roadmap" state federation leaders adopted in 2017 and which inspired many local affiliates' strategic plans in 2018 are firmly rooted in common guiding principles. Collectively, they demonstrate that the "U & I in Union" assures that when we stand together, we are strong.

More than a slogan, the phrase has over this past year been embraced as a core belief. It was initially launched to fortify our defense of rights and freedoms against the special interests who bankrolled the Janus v. AFSCME lawsuit. Since the U.S. Supreme Court's conservative majority ruled against working people in June, it has fueled a collective resistance against ongoing attempts to decimate and dismantle our movement.

Not only have we seen public sector members defy the right-wing smear tactics and "stick with their unions," AFT Connecticut-affiliated locals actually grew their ranks in 2018. In many cases it was the result of former fair share fee-payers signing "recommitment" cards and joining as full-fledged, dues-paying members. In others, it followed votes by previously independent groups to unite with our state federation.

Another way in which we increased our collective strength was though empowering those previously denied collective bargaining rights to join their colleagues in existing locals. Public employees, who began a coordinated push to "organize the unorganized" among state workers more than three years ago, continued to lead the way in 2018.

Our organizing wins weren't confined to the public sector. Service, environmental, maintenance and other vital support staff at Rockville General Hospital (RGH) demanded a voice in their facility’s care and working conditions and won their union election. They, too, were supported by their colleagues in existing locals representing employees of Prospect Medical Holdings, demonstrating that the "U and I in Union" is key to improving all workplaces.

These gains were the product of broader efforts to foster union leadership skills among a growing number of local affiliates' activists. In 2018 they also included several cohorts of our Member Organizing Institute (MOI) program, which taught tangible skills for pushing back against the reactionary forces behind Janus.

Additionally, our professional development (PD) program attracted a record number of members in 2018 to workshops at our state federation headquarters and local affiliates' union halls. Course offerings were as diverse as the workers we represent across Connecticut, and helped many earn credit for personal career advancement and continuing education.

2018 also proved the value of fundamental union rights to make workplace improvements, resolve labor disputes and secure economic advances. Thousands of members benefitted from negotiated grievance settlements, arbitrated decisions and collective bargaining agreements achieved and ratified throughout the year.

Many of our members contributed to the wave of educator activism that swept the nation in 2018. In Connecticut, much of it was in response to cruel cutbacks at the local level that slashed services and eliminated jobs. Teachers, paraprofessionals and support personnel in communities across the state turned out for meetings of school and municipal officials to demand better than more failed austerity policies.

2018 marked a turning point for our retirees, too, as their dedication, service and continued activism was officially recognized with the establishment of a full-fledged division within AFT Connecticut. Our newest chartered affiliate was formed to represent members whose local at their time of retirement did not have a retiree organization.

Demonstrating that "we care, we fight, we show up and we vote," our members’ activism was decisive in last year's Primary and General Elections. The final results in November tipped the balance away from the corporate lobbyists who’ve held sway in Hartford for the past four years and in the direction of working people.

Undoubtably, 2019 will bring us challenges, but I am confident we will overcome them because we will do so together — just like we did in 2018.

On behalf of AFT Connecticut's officers, executive committee and delegate assembly, I thank our members for all they do each and every day for our students, patients and our communities. I so appreciate all 30,000 working people who make this a great state to live, raise our families and be part of a vibrant labor movement.

With wishes for a happy New Year,

Jan Hochadel
President, AFT Connecticut

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