Sunday, December 17, 2017

Clear vision

It started as a slight blur this past spring.
The first thing I did was clean my glasses, but that didn’t help.
I noticed I had lost perifial vision in one field of my left eye.
This can’t be good I thought to myself.
Usually, when something is wrong with myself, an ache or pain, I ignore it.
It almost always goes away.
This time, thank god, I did not ignor it. I got to my eye doctor, and the very next day I was having surgery to repair a partially detached retina.
Had I ignored it, I could have gone blind in that eye.

After surgery they gave me the good news and the bad news.
The repair was suggessful, my vision was safe, but I would almost assuredly develop a cataract.

Friday, I had cataract surgery which was a complete success.
My vision since the retina repair had gotten so poor in my left eye that even with a stronger prescription, everything was a blur.
Yesterday, the patch came off the eye, and my vision in my left eye is 20/20, without glasses, for the first time since I was ten years old!
I will wear a contact in the other eye (and I still need reading glasses) but what started out as potential blindness in my left eye, after two surgeries, has given my pefect vision.

I think our country is facing a simular vision problem, but perhaps, long term, we can have an equally good outcome.
Donald Trump ran on a promise to make America great again, great for the common man, great for the workers.
The republican tax plan will make America great again for the richest of the rich in this country, the Donald Trumps, the big republican campaign donors, not for the working families of this country.
Polls already show that Americans understand this.
The Republican tax plan will destroy our economy, and destroy our healthcare system.

And the fault will be the Republicans.

Now, lets be fair.
There is a reason Donald Trump and so many republicans have won election.
Many Democrats have let down working families.
But let me repeat.
This is a Republican tax Plan.
They own it.

My hope is that American working families will awaken from the clouded vision that has affected us and see with clear vision a path forward.
My hope is that we will become educated and engaged, and work to elect people who stand up for our values, such as a tax system that asks everyone to pay their fair share, a living wage and healthcare for all Americans, not just the rich.

But my sisters and brothers, if we do not take action, the result will be the same had I ignored my blurred vision last spring.
In the end, its up to us.
We can chose to have the vision to make change happen.

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