Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Viruses in our country

The AP reported this week that for the first time, over 4,000 Americans died from the Corona Virus in a single day.

Think about that.


This news was overshadowed by the insurrection at our national’s capital, but we must also remember that nearly 2 million people have died from Corona, 373,000 in our country.

We need to also remember that Southern California hospitals are so overrun with patients that ambulances are waiting 17 hours to offload. 

Closer to home, our healthcare “Heroes” are so worn out from working 12-16 hour shifts, from dealing with patients who require an immense amount of work, and from the toll that daily deaths bring to a workforce that by nature is empathetic, that they are suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and becoming sick and even leaving their professions, their advocations.  


As a nation, we need to do better. 

We must do better.


We have seen what failure looks like.

Failure to plan for a pandemic.

Failure to accept the results of an election.

Failure to work together for our common good.


We have also seen what true activism, patriotism, and human caring looks like.

When Stacy Abrams lost her election in a questionable Georgia election, she mobilized Georgians to register and vote in unprecedented numbers and has changed the course of Georgia and the country.

She did it not because it was the best course of action for her.

She did it because it was the best for all of us.


Let her example be our guide.

Please be well.

Please wear your masks.

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