Monday, July 6, 2020

Corona Virus Update 7/6

It's 117 days since our first confirmed case in Civid-19 in Connecticut.
Hospitalizations are down to 69 statewide.
4,338 Connecticut residents have died.

The rest of the country......that's another story.
Sections of the west and south are spiking, and I worry what happens as we open more, especially when school reopens.

As far as healthcare, I think 3 things:
1. We are still learning about this virus, but the more info that comes out, the more I am glad that we advocated on the side of precaution for our members.
2. Gains we have make on PPE precautions have come at least, if not more, from our members feeling empowered to say NO on the shop floor, as opposed to any high level talks with DPH or the governor's office, not that those haven't also played a role.
3. We need to continue to use that same advocacy to push for eventual return to "normal infection control practices." Reuse, extended use, or decontamination of "one time use" PPE should NOT become the normal.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

Be well,

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