Sunday, March 22, 2020

No Bandanas for me please

You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for nurse and other healthcare workers in the news.
You may have never thought about it before this.
PPE is the gloves, gowns, eye protection, and respiratory protection that keeps Healthcare Workers and First Responders safe.
A lack of proper PPE, especially respiratory protection, is why so many who worked at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and afterwards have cancer today.

The COVID-19 Virus is new. The best we can tell it crossed from animals to humans only in the past few months. So much is not known, including a very important element, how it spreads. 
In particular, research on whether it is “airborne” is not conclusive. A recent study by the National Institute of Health said that it could remain airborne for up to 3 hours
Not in dispute is that droplets can travel 3-6 feet in the air. 
As a side note......Healthcare professionals usually work within 6 feet of their patients.

There are 2 major kind of masks being discussed. 
Surgical and N95 respirators or better.
The important difference is in the filtration ability and the leakage possibilities.
This chart shows the differences and this Video explains it well.

Most bedside Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals are concerned when hospitals tell the nurses that a surgical mask will be fine when treating a COVID-19 positive or suspected positive patient.
They are concerned for themselves, their families, their patients and the greater community.

You can help.
This is a link to a petition started by a friend of mine, a great nurse in Alaska.
Would you take a minute to sign it?
Healthcare workers are counting on you.

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