Saturday, December 15, 2018

Protecting Healthcare for all

The ACA is not perfect, but it protects Americans with pre-existing conditions and has brought healthcare to millions of seniors, young people and economically disadvantaged people. 
It is the only thing that stands between working families and bankruptcy that can come with one illness. 
The court ruling by a federal judge in Texas must be overturned and we must continue to fight for quality affordable healthcare for all. 
We know the groups who have fought for this outcome for years. They are not the friends of workers, the young, the elderly, or the economically disadvantaged. 

Labor must, and will, continue to work with our community friends to stand up for ALL people. 
In Connecticut in particular, we must work with our Congressional delegation and our incoming governor, Attorney General, and General Assembly, to show that we in Connecticut stand with ALL people, not just the 1%.

Today is a great day to redidicate yourselves to that effort.

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