Sunday, July 29, 2018

The upside down pyramid

We are all familiar with the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.
5,000 people, a few loaves of bread, 2 fish, yet everyone ate and there was plenty left over.
I read that it’s the only story that is in all 4 gospels.
I heard it again last night and this time, I heard something I had missed before.

John writes, “After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.”

I’m told that a leader a person who has followers.
By this definition, Jesus certainly was a leader.
Granted, many have twisted his message to serve their own agenda, but that does not diminish his leadership. Or his message.

Most leaders of Jesus’ time (as well as our time) operated from a position on power.  They were the kings, the emperors, the chief priests.
Jesus led in a new way.
He never sought personal power of a high position.
As John writes, he “withdrew again to a mountain” to avoid it.

In most organizational structures, power is vested with the leader, usually the president or CEO.
Below them are Vice Presidents, then department heads, and so on, with the workers at the bottom.
This holds not only for businesses, it holds for religious organizations, non-profits, and others.

But a Union is different.
A union should be different.
A union needs to be different.

Members are at the top, below them, elected leadership of locals, and below them, elected state and national leaders.
Jesus taught us this.
In withdrawing to the mountains, and later in washing the feet of his disciples, he showed us how to lead.

Jan refers to this structure as the “upside down pyramid.”
The president is not at the top, the members are.
Leaders serve the members.
It is how it should be.
It is what makes us strong.

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