I have been called many things, grandpa, nurse, husband, brother, and some I choose not to repeat. I am retired as a RN in an emergency room at a community hospital and I serve as Executive Vice President of AFT Connecticut. This blog is about my views and my life.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Happy Aniversary Backus Nurses
Saturday, May 8, 2021
AFT CT Healthcare update & more
Good morning,
I’d also like to wish you all a Happy Nurses’ Week, and a Happy Teachers Appreciation week and Public Service Workers Week.
I sometimes get asked what it is like to be part of a union as diverse as AFT. I usually reply that there is never a dull moment. The reality is that as different as it is to be a healthcare provider, an educator, or a public servant, there are also many similarities.
We all teach and provide needed healthcare and public services, we just do it in a variety of locations and slightly differently.
So thank you all.
Connecticut is the first state to be over 50% of those over age 16 “fully vaccinated”! Our hospitalizations are now at 309 state wide. The Pfizer vaccine is expected to be approved soon for 12-16 year olds.
In case you missed it, AFT Connecticut held our annual convention last weekend and a new Executive Committee was elected. Thank you to all the Delegates.
Below is some info from AFT. In particular I want to call attention to the Moral Injury Project. It is a new national project to call attention to the need for system level changes to healthcare to deal with Moral Injury, which is defined as “psychological, biological, spiritual, behavioral, and social impact of perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations"
We all know what it is, it’s the conflict that arises when the job you want to do is not possible because you just don’t have the time or resources. It’s comes from being forced to chose between doing the best you can do for all your patients or doing a job like you were trained in school to do and you want to do, for only some of your patients. There is no good answer because the question is invalid. The question should be, how do we provide the needed time and resources to do the work we Should and Want to do? (And you know what? Educations and public servants are effected by Moral Injury too) This Program is designed to make the public aware, so that we can make system changes. I strongly urge you to share with your members and ask them to submit their stories.
Also included below is a link to The latest issue of AFT Health Care , our AFT Healthcare magazine, a video from Randi, and some info on workplace violence.
For National Nurses Week, a safer way forward
While COVID-19 has surged and ebbed nationwide, our members who work in healthcare have provided lifesaving treatment and support to those in need. The AFT celebrates National Nurses Week, May 6-12, by inviting our community to say thank you by recording a short video or message that we can share on social media. And be sure to watch AFT President Randi Weingarten's thank-you video. We’re also launching the Moral Injury Project to raise awareness about the challenges facing nurses, and we’re taking action against workplace violence.

The moral imperative of healthcare
While vaccines offer hope, the pandemic continues to expose inequities in healthcare and accentuate the challenges faced by frontline providers. The latest issue of AFT Health Care delves into the severe problem of moral injury among healthcare professionals and discusses the deep changes necessary for patients and providers to thrive. Also in this issue: the importance of respectful maternity care for women of color, how clinicians can support health literacy and equity through better communication, and the essential work of nurse practitioners.
Members push OSHA for a safety standard
The pandemic has drastically affected our members, with the AFT losing more than 300 members to COVID-19. For more than a year, nurses and health professionals have been caring for patients while their hospitals made choices that put them at risk. These members have been filing complaints with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and demanding an emergency safety standard for COVID. Now, more help may finally be on the way.

Lastly, we have a rally on “tax day” May 17 at 5:00, at the state capitol to urge full funding for vital services. We are a part of this rally, so please encourage your members. It’s important for healthcare, because the administration wants to take most of the federal money that can go to hazard pay and use it to fund the state budget, as opposed to raising taxes on the top .1% so that they pay their fair share. Basically, they are more comfortable taking money out of “heroes” pockets than billionaire’s pockets.
I know I had a lot of info today. Please share with your members and thank you for all you do every day.