Saturday, April 11, 2020

Corona Virus Update 4/11

We are 36 days since our first confirmed Covid positive case in Connecticut.
39,831 have been tested
11,510 have tested positive
1593 are currently hospitalized, up  31  from yesterday
494 have died, up 46

A couple of wins to report. With our wins we are making progress in taking better care of ourselves, which allows us to take care of others. I think pressure on the Governor’s office and in the press is making some difference, but mostly, I think our members becoming educated and empowered and pushing back is making the most difference. Our Local leaders are finding innovative ways to interact with their members and they are becoming engaged.
THAT is making the difference.

This is in from Danbury/New Milford Hospitals on PTO. Good work pushing for this!

Our sisters and brothers of CHCA at Waterbury Hospital have achieved a win too. The hospital will now supply N95s after CHCA and the AFL-CIO complained. Well done!

A nice donation of face shields from a local company who only recently started making them. Thank You!!!!

My brother and sister in law are making homemade masks. They sent these today in the mail.

We will wear those masks when we have to go to the store, etc, but a reminder.
Homemade and/or surgical masks are better than nothing and probably quite effective in spreading virus, but they do not prevent a caregiver from inhaling the virus, N95 or better respirators do that.

This new study out of Aalto University in Finland demonstrates how the Corona Virus can linger in the air.

I hope you can enjoy your Easter. (And belated Passover) 
Thank you for all you do.

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