Saturday, October 30, 2021

Why this is a crucial election

 Next Tuesday is municipal election day. Turnout for all elections is low, but especially for local elections. We are all quick to criticize our elected officials but we are not so quick to take the time to be informed citizens and to vote. I think that may be the greatest threat to democracy. 

When we fail to exercise our right to participate in the process, we forfeit our power to others. 

So please vote Tuesday. I hope you vote for candidates that I support, but I would rather you vote for any candidate rather than none, because our democracy depends on it. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Am I a gatherer or a scatterer?

The other day I was asked this question, “Are you a gatherer or a scatterer?”
Do I seek to bring people together or drive them apart? Do I look for areas of agreement, of compromise, or only areas of division? Can I disagree without being disagreeable?
It seems like so many issues have become issues between opposing camps, and if anyone dare seek a compromise, that person can be considered a traitor to the cause. 
It doesn’t seem like a healthy way for a society to continue. 
It’s given me a lot to think about.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

With Covid, who do YOU trust?

 On Friday the U S death count from Covid passed 700,000 people.

100,000 of those have been in the last 3 1/2 months. 

1,900 are dying each day. 

I get that it’s a personal choice. Everything about our health is. But I also realize that we cannot be experts on everything, that’s why a take my car to an auto mechanic for instance. We have to rely on people we can trust. 

So, with Covid, who do you trust? Nurses and other healthcare professionals have been following and living this pandemic for almost 2 years now. 

We are tired. We are asking for help.

Please listen to the overwhelming majority of nurses, of doctors, of other healthcare professionals. 

Please protect yourself and those around you who you love and care about.